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Eucalyptus Strawberry



Eucalyptus Strawberry Gum

(Eucalyptus olida)

THERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES: antioxident, anticeptic, antibacterial, antidepressent

AFFINITY FOR: Skin, Heart Chakra, Emotions

RESONANCE: Physical, Emotional,


PART UTILIZED: Leaves and Twigs

EXTRACTION METHOD: steam distilled

APPLICATION: Apply to any area of the body, use in lotions or creams to enhance the fragrance of other essential oils or fragrances, or diffuse to purify and freshen the air.

AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: : The aroma of Eucalyptus Strawberry Gum is sweet, balsamic with fruity undertones which is reminiscent of cinnamon and strawberry. It is a strong enhancer of other fragrances.

EMOTIONAL / SPIRITUAL / MENTAL ASPECTS: Eucalyptus Strawberry Gum has a way of reminding you of sweet innocent moments spent enjoying life. It will help open your heart and refresh your senses and is a great choice for energy work or emotional release.

PHYSICAL ASPECTS: Eucalyptus Strawberry Gum has a high anti-oxidant activity. Essential oils in the eucalyptus family are very versatile essential oils and are useful for a variety of ailments including colds and coughs, energizing the body, clearing nasal passages, purifying the air, easing sore muscles, and protecting against bacteria and viruses.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Eucalyptus Strawberry Gum is grown in Eastern Australia and is classified as a threatened species in the wild but is becoming more common in cultivation due to its use as an essential oil and spice. Eucalyptus Strawberry Gum has been used by the indigenous people of Australia for centuries as flavor enhancer and was used as chewing gum for its sweet berry-licious flavor.

CAUTIONS: Although used in herbal form for centuries, Eucalyptus Strawberry Gum is a new essential oil and should be used with caution until more studies are available on this oil. Its main constituent is methyl cinnamate at 98.5%. Do not use if pregnant, or on children. Using caution is always the best approach until you see how you react to any essential oil.

Which Eucalyptus should I choose?

Eucalyptus Globulus is the most commonly used Eucalyptus and has the strongest aroma. Eucalyptus Blue Mallee has a milder aroma and is very good when used in emotional release and energy work. It also seems to penetrate more deeply into the lungs and bronchial tubes. Eucalyptus Peppermint has less eucalyptol but more menthol than the other eucalyptus varieties. This makes it more calming and slightly less caustic on the skin. Eucalyptus Radiata is gentler and softer than globulus and is preferred by many for use in meditation and energy work. Eucalyptus Blue Gum is authentic Eucalyptus Globulus which means that it is the first distillation and has not been rectified. Most Eucalyptus oils are rectified (redistilled and mixed with other distillations) to get a cineole content of 80% or more. The first distillation of an oil is usually more therapeutic, but also more expensive. Eucalyptus Blue Gum has a softer, more complex aroma and is considered to be the most therapeutic of the Eucalyptus oils. The physical and emotional aspects of Lemon Eucalyptus oil are much the same as other varieties. The high citronellal content of this oil gives it an intense lemon scent. Eucalyptus Strawberry Gum has sweet, fruity undertones and is milder than the other eucalyptus varieties.

Eucalyptus Strawberry Gum Essential Oil

Available In: Essential Oil
Botanical Name: Eucalyptus olida
Extraction Method: steam distilled
Part Utilized: leaves
Plant Family: Myrtaceae
Cautions: Eucalyptus can be caustic to the skin if used undiluted. Not to be taken internally.

Additional information


4oz, 50ml, 10 ml


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