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What is a chakra?

Chakra Maintenance and Repair


What is a Chakra?

Chakra(s), according to ancient Sanskrit text, are the 7 major centers of energy located in the inner spirit body, from the base of your spine to the crown of your head. Each chakra has its own vibrational frequency, color, and governs specific functions that effect your health.


7 Main Chakras: root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow (third eye) and crown.

  • Root (1st) — Base of the spine; red; governs survival instincts, grounding.
  • Sacral (2nd) — Lower abdomen; orange; governs sexuality, intuition, self-worth/-esteem.
  • Solar Plexus (3rd) — Upper abdomen; yellow; governs impulse control, ego.
  • Heart (4th) — Center of the chest; green; governs compassion, spirituality.
  • Throat (5th) — Throat; blue; governs communication, emotion.
  • Third Eye (6th) — Between the eyes; purple; governs rationality, wisdom, imagination.
  • Crown (7th) — Top of the head; indigo; governs connection with the Divine.

Anytime a chakra becomes blocked, underactive or overactive, it can throw you off balance physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

i.e. if you have ever experienced persistent trouble expressing yourself, or have suffered through several bouts of laryngitis or sore throats, these are all signs you may have an imbalanced throat chakra.

Schedule your 60 minute appointment today, to restore balance to your chakras click here

Not sure? Schedule a FREE 15 minute consultation to explore your needs. click here

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