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wildoregano-dreamstimeAn extremely beneficial and effective oil which has received some attention from the media lately. Unfortunately, too many reporters and announcers do not know the difference between therapeutic grade essential oils and oils which have been diluted with carrier type oils. DO NOT follow their suggestions and use large quantities at once. 2 or 3 drops of a pure essential oil is always sufficient. Oregano, in either herb or essential oil form, has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antiseptic properties and is an immune stimulant. It balances metabolism and strengthens the vital centers of the body. Can be useful for chronic bronchitis, respiratory infection, colds, mental disease, pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, rheumatism, general debility, muscular pain, whooping cough; makes a nice addition – in small quantities – to blends and is a good oil to diffuse during the cold and flu season.

Ingredient In:

Therapeutic Properties: anti-infectious, antibiotic, anti-viral, antiseptic, stimulant, anti-aphrodisiac, emmenagogue, anti-parasitic, expectorant, rebufacient, anti-fungal, immunostimulant

Application: apply to appropriate areas of the feet, areas of concern-be sure to dilute well

Aromatic: pungent, but a lot of people like it diffused for respiratory problems and to promote a general feeling of strength and stability

Contra-indications: avoid during pregnancy, can cause extreme skin irritation if applied reapeately without dilution: often used in a diffuser, do not use in baths, dilute well if applying to body.